Child Protection

All Members of the Bowmen of Glen Archery Society, visiting archers from other archery clubs and or institutions, participating public for the events of beginners courses or Have-A-Go Sessions, visitors to Bowmen of Glen Archery Society for any other activity or reason what so ever are advised that:

In accordance with

The Archery GB Policy for the Safeguarding of Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults

(Sub Para 5 of Para 2 of Sub. Sec 2.2 of Section 2.0 Promoting Good Practice of the Policy)

To be read as the following

This Archery Club, “The Bowmen of Glen Archery Society”

Believes that when dealing with children and young people their welfare must always be of paramount importance. We are committed to providing an environment where children and young people can learn and participate in archery free from harassment and abuse. All those people working with children and young people have a moral responsibility to safeguard and promote a child and young persons’ welfare.

This club has adopted the Archery GB Policy for Safeguarding Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults to ensure peace of mind for adults, children, young people and vulnerable adults.